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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weight Loss - Hair Loss - Is There a Link Between Weight Loss and Hair Loss

Weight Loss - Hair Loss - Is There a Link Between Weight Loss and Hair Loss

There are various causes of hAir loss and there is a question about the connection if there is one, between weight loss and hAir loss. Understanding weight loss especially extreme weight loss or crash dieting is important when attempting to answer this question.

Weight Loss - Hair Loss - Is There a Link Between Weight Loss and Hair Loss

Weight Loss - Hair Loss - Is There a Link Between Weight Loss and Hair Loss

Weight Loss - Hair Loss - Is There a Link Between Weight Loss and Hair Loss

Weight Loss - Hair Loss - Is There a Link Between Weight Loss and Hair Loss

Weight Loss - Hair Loss - Is There a Link Between Weight Loss and Hair Loss

Weight Reduction

Most people have at some point in their lives wanted to or needed to lose weight. A healthy diet and exercise are the best ways to achieve weight loss though it may take longer than you want it to. In order to effectively lose weight, your body must burn more calories (units of energy) than it consumes.

Extreme weight loss through illness, eating disorders, or crash dieting is not a good way to go. Illness cannot be helped and when recovered the weight you lost may come back. With eating disorders or crash diets extreme amounts of weight is dropped in a short period of time.

This extreme weight loss is usually achieved through severely limiting Food intake often at the expense of your health. In such cases there may be a loss of essential vitamins and minerals needed for good health including weight. These deficiencies are likely to be B vitamins especially B6, Biotin, and Niacin, as well as minerals including magnesium and sulfur. These can all be found in Foods especially in fruits and in vegetables. Low iron in the blood may also be linked to hair loss. Iron rich foods include red meats, beans, dried fruits, and many cereals. A multi-vitamin with iron may be needed to replenish what the body has lost.

A physical exam and knowledge of the ideal weight for your height will let you and your doctor know whether you are too thin to be healthy. Once illnesses go away or eating disorders are stabilized hair quality may return or at least improve.

Hair Loss

Hair loss can be caused by heredity, illness, stress, or trauma. Medications may also play a part in hair loss. Typically once recovered hair may return to normal or improve. When medications such as chemo treatMents are stopped you will experience new growth over time. The quality and color may change as it comes back.

TreatMents can include something as simple as hairstyle changes, eating healthier, and exercising. Topical treatments are applied directly to the scalp. Finasteride and minoxidil are the two FDA approved treatments that achieve results. Oral medications including anti-inflammatories and anti-depressants might also be used to relieve conditions that are causing hair loss including scalp irritations and reduce the effects of stress.

The Link

Extreme weight loss such as that which results from eating disorders and crash dieting will likely rob the body of the vitamins and minerals necessary for over-all good health and specifically healthy hair. Once these things are replaced your hair's condition will likely improve.


Weight problems especially extreme weight loss may rob the body of what it needs to maintain healthy hair. While there are other causes for hair loss weight loss is a potentially dangerous cause. Without proper nutrients your body will not function as it should. Once restored to normal levels your over-all health and the condition of your hair will likely improve. If you have lost extreme amounts of weight a physical will help to rule out other causes. There are treatments available for weight loss and hair loss. Your doctor can be your best asset in getting back into good health.

Weight Loss - Hair Loss - Is There a Link Between Weight Loss and Hair Loss

Friday, August 17, 2012

Weight Loss Exercises - The Best Cardio Routines to Lose Weight

Weight Loss Exercises - The Best Cardio Routines to Lose Weight

One of the best ways to accelerate weight loss is to do cardio routines. Cardio gets your heart rate up, gets the blood flowing, raises body temperature and heightens calorie consumption. Cardio also strengthens your heart and lungs, improve circulation and other bodily functions. If done correctly, cardio routines can prove to be a valuable asset in your health and weight loss program.

Weight Loss Exercises - The Best Cardio Routines to Lose Weight

Weight Loss Exercises - The Best Cardio Routines to Lose Weight

Weight Loss Exercises - The Best Cardio Routines to Lose Weight

Weight Loss Exercises - The Best Cardio Routines to Lose Weight

Weight Loss Exercises - The Best Cardio Routines to Lose Weight

But which cardio routines work best for you? Which are the best weight loss exercises?

Here are common cardio routines arranged from the most to the least effective in terms of weight loss:

1. Running - Running is a massive cardio routine because it gets every part of your body moving. Running can be a high intensity workout all by itself. If you do run, make sure to swing your arms and really get your enTire body into the motion. Take care not to run if you experience knee or back pain. Try running on a soft surface such as grass or sand and minimize the time you run on asphalt. If you suffered any sort of physical injury in the past, consult your doctor before running.

2. Cycling - Bicycle riding (as long as it's done outdoors) is a great cardio routine. Of course you need to be proficient in riding a bike, but it can really get your heart pumping. Make sure to ride only in safe places. Avoid the side of busy roads. Stick to Bicycle lanes whenever possible.

3. Rowing Machine - The rowing machine is a personal favorite of mine as it's not only a cardio machine but also a great strength builder for the back and biceps. The one downfall of this machine is that you're sitting down while doing it. But pumping the rows back and forth gets you sweating in a minute. Of course, rowing a canoe, if that is possible for you, is even more effective.

4. Walking - Walking is also a great cardio routine. Don't stroll, do brisk walking and get your arms into the motion. For added difficulty, you can try walking with small dumbbells or Wrist-strap-on Weights. Try combining interval running with walking for accelerated weight loss.

5. Swimming - Swimming is a great body building cardio routine as it strengthens the enTire body. However, it is difficult for regular swimmers to get their heart rate up while swimming and maintaining that heart rate for a long time.

6. Elliptical - The elliptical is great for people who suffered knee injuries as it doesn't jar your legs. However, it has almost zero resistance and usually doesn't get your upper body into the motion. I like incorporating it into my cool down routine for some added calorie burning.

7. Gym bicycle - I dislike the gym bicycle because you usually sit back and just pedal away. The very act of sitting down makes this a much less effective routine.

Any of the 7 routines I've laid out are good weight loss exercises. Some are more intense than others but can be perfect for you. Make sure to enjoy your cardio routines. Enjoying yourself will also accelerate your weight loss.

Weight Loss Exercises - The Best Cardio Routines to Lose Weight

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Weight Loss-Why Do I Like the Junk?

Weight Loss-Why Do I Like the Junk?

We assume that every thought of Food means we are hungry in our efforts to lose weight and keep it off. In actual fact dehydration and lack of sleep has the same effect on the mind and body. It can be our system trying to tell us we need a drink of water. Next time you feel hungry, take a glass of water then wait ten minutes and see what happens, 9 times out of 10 the sensation of hunger will pass, as you were merely thirsty not hungry or you were just feeling Tired.

Weight Loss-Why Do I Like the Junk?

Weight Loss-Why Do I Like the Junk?

Weight Loss-Why Do I Like the Junk?

Weight Loss-Why Do I Like the Junk?

Weight Loss-Why Do I Like the Junk?

Another trick the mind has up its sleeve is the unconscious mind can't tell the difference between a hunger need and an emotional need.

That emotional need can range anywhere between feeling bored or feeling anxious, the unconscious just registers that you have a NEED and what is your most basicneed ... Food.

Think about it how many times have you ate because you felt bored or annoyed or angry and then wondered ... why the hell did I do that ... well now you know.

Awareness is everything in your weight loss efforts, once you become aware of what is driving you to overeat then you can do something about it, when you are not aware then you're eating becomes automatic and mindless, and you are smothering emotion by using food.

The bad news is no amount of food will ever smother emotion, it's just not possible.

Worse still the more you do it the more the unconscious mind will compel you to do it. .. until you break the cycle.

I know a little exercise for today could be ... ask yourself the question "what is driving you to overeat, I can absolutelyguarantee you two things ... it's not greed and it's not need.

One more little snippet, "have you ever wondered why you reach for the junk food instead of a celery stick when you overeat.

The reason is really quite simple ... you are hardwired by evolution to seek out salt, sugar and fat in times of stress, as it Supplies a quick energy boost to the body.

Unfortunately today we are not living in caves and we have not evolved far enough to a point where that response is no longer an issue, the good news is that response can be modified to meet modern-day existence.

I have found the following to be very effective in helping to cut out the junk and change that response, but first you need a little bit of information.

When the unconscious registers to NEED itdoesn't actually care what you eat. You only eat junk food because you have conditioned yourself into that way of reacting to that particular trigger.

The unconscious only needs two things to happen to satisfy that NEED. First ... It wants you to actually eat something and second, that something must contain energy that's why a celery stick won't cut it.

I used to have a ready Supply of fresh pineapple on standby because it satisfied the two criteria, I was going to eat something and it contained energy. Of course the pineapple had only a fraction of the calories that junk food would have had.

This one idea alone will help you lose weight as you're eating is no longer automatic and you can see how much control you actually have ...

So the question is, how willyou adapt my idea to suit your lifestyle and start you on the road to realising your goals?

Change the habits of a lifetime ' start the process today, not next week, not when the time feels right or your head is in the right place but today and every day until you reach your desired weight.

Weight Loss-Why Do I Like the Junk?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

Cobalamin or as it is better known, is one of the vital nutrients our bodies need in order to work properly. It is necessary to perform many of the body's more important tasks, including the making of DNA during cell division and the healthy formation of red blood cells.

Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

B12 is known as the "energy vitamin" because it gives a real energy boost. It is used to remedy fatigue and it speeds up the metabolism. Red blood cells are also responsible for producing hemoglobin, the part of the blood that takes oxygen from the lungs and transports it to all the different parts of the body.

It has many functions and uses but does it help people lose weight?

What is the link between Vitamin B12 and weight loss?

Vitamin B12 Injections andWeight Loss

Some people might go to a clinic to get shots. These shots are administered directly into the muscle, allowing for better absorption. People who get these shots mainly suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome or a deficiency. They might also claim that taking these shots help them to lose weight.

However, injections by themselves do not directly cause weight loss, nor are they intended to. So why do people who get them lose weight?

There are many factors to take into consideration.

B12 causes the metabolism to speed up, which in turn increases weight loss. People who go to get injections tend to be more conscious of their health and are already on a vegetarian, or other weight loss diet.

Shots give a treMendous boost of energy. This generally helps people to maintain their diets, and motivates them to exercise and increase physical activity. Vitamin B12 also helps to fight stress and depression, symptoms which are sometimes associated with weight gain.

While the shots can be a great benefit to some, particularly those with a B12 deficiency, there can be some negative side effects when taken excessively or along with certain other substances. There is also a risk for those who have certain pre-existing conditions. It's important to consult a physician before undergoing injections.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Deficiencies can become a serious health threat. The body can normally stock up many years Supply ofvitamin B12, so it more often materializes when the body is unable to properly absorb vitamin B12 because of illness or old age. Incidentally, deficiencies can cause weight loss, among other symptoms. Extreme cases can even result in permanent nerve damage if left untreated.

A person diagnosed with a B12 deficiency will need to take suppleMents. These are most often taken as capsules or via intramuscular injections. Although vitamin B12 does not directly cause weight loss, it is still an essential nutrient that is needed by the body. It is important to get a sufficient amount of it and doing so will ensure better health, all around.

Vitamin B12 & Dieting

When undergoing any new weight loss program, it isimportant to make sure that the diet is well balanced and contains all of the essential nutrients. This of course includes vitamin B12 and other essential nutrients.

Food sources rich in B12

Meat, Poultry, Milk and other dAiry products, Eggs, and Fish

Since the only reliable source of vitamin B12 are from animals those practicing a vegetarian or vegan diet will have to get theirs from suppleMents. If a person doesn't get enough they may develop a deficiency.

Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Weight Loss and Fatigue

Weight Loss and Fatigue

Does this sound familiar? You begin a new diet plan, losing a couple proud pounds the first few weeks. Except instead of being energized and ready to conquer the world, you feel exhausted. Many people report feeling run down or fatigued when they start a new weight loss plan, thinking it goes with the territory. But, there is no reason to accept being Tired as a normal dieting side effect.

Weight Loss and Fatigue

Weight Loss and Fatigue

Weight Loss and Fatigue

Weight Loss and Fatigue

Weight Loss and Fatigue

Weight loss is about regaining your health, and fixing a damaged metabolism. If you are feeling more Tired and anxious while dieting, then you are not making the best health changes. When you start dropping pounds, you should feel energetic, have a more positive outlook, and sleep better than you have in years. Sleepwalking through your day is to sign a fewadjustMents are needed. In fact, a new feeling of vitality should kick in before you see a physical change.

While people think they are doing all the right things, eating less and burning more, they are actually working against themselves. Dieters end up feeling miserable, face first into a gallon of double fudge ice-cream. That's because, dramatically limiting calories, Fasting, and wreaks havoc on over exercising the body. These added internal pressures the stress hormone cortisol triggers. Not only does cortisol causes the body to store fat, it is a natural anti-sleep agent. With high levels of cortisol in your system, it is impossible to have a restful sleep.

People become anxious when they try to lose weight. To relieve grogginess, you must regulate the cortisol and otherstress hormones released by the adrenal glands.

"More than 100 studies have been conducted that show when people try to regulate themselves, they end up being fatigued," explains Srini Pillay, m.d. and Assistant Clinical Professor at Harvard Medical School, "this taxes the part of the brain involved in self control. As a result, [dieters] often give in immediately after a period of intense self-control. "

You can avoid fatigue by allowing yourself to be free in ways not involving a tight reign on self control. Let loose in ways you enjoy separate from Food. Treat yourself to a day at the spa, or go antiquing. Chose something you enjoy and allow yourself to feel free.

As the author of Life Unlocked: 7 Revolutionary Lessons to Overcome Fear, Dr. Pillay frames thedesire to lose weight in two ways. Your goal can be harmonious or an obsession. Obsessive passions are not good for you. Don't drive yourself intensely to stick to a rigid routine. Instead, think more deeply about how your weight loss plans can gel with your life harmoniously. Simply ask yourself how your desire to lose weight fits in your life.

Do you want to increase your self esteem?
Are you looking forward to flaunting your new physique at the beach?
Are you excited about running around with your kids?
Do you want to live long enough to see your grandchildren?

Stay connected with this deeper purpose to keep your weight loss a harmonious passion. By being less obsessive, you will feel less strained andTired.

If you are unable to control obsessive thinking, you can reduce anxiety with other techniques. According to Dr. Pillay, refocusing it with meditation works well. Even though you want to lose weight, try focusing on something less exhausting when you feel worn down. Meditation is a proven way to reduce anxiety and fatigue. Learning to meditate can help relieve tension when battling your weight.

Of course, we can't ignore the role Food plays. Health professionals advise going to increase natural energy. "One cause of fatigue is eating processed diet Foods. These packaged foods have no enzymes, and are often full of chemicals for enhancing flavor, such as MSG and aspartame, "explains raw food expert Susan Schenck," such exitoxins cause fatigue. "

Schenck,best known for writing The Live Food Factor, the popular raw foods bible and author of Beyond Broccoli, fell into this trap at one time. She would fill up on packaged ' nutrition ' bars and then have to take a nap! She found eating a diet of whole foods alleviated her lethargic mood. A diet high in raw foods is rich in enzymes, giving the pancreas to rest from cranking out digestive chemicals needed to compensate for enzymes lost when Cooking.

Certified Health Coach Lara & Nutrition, dieters Dachl agrees suffering from fatigue should "eat real food. Avoid products with a huge list of ingredients you can't pronounce. They tend to be highly processed and lacking in nutrients that will give you the energy you need. "

Dachl recomMends her clients eat a plant-based diet, including lotsof dark, leafy greens. Plant foods are typically lower in fat and calories and higher in fiber than meat, dAiry and processed foods. These foods make us feel full on less. They also provide loads of easy-to-access energy from essential nutrients. Also, use gentle sweets. Sweeteners like agave, maple syrup, and raw sugar prevents fluctuating energy caused by refined sugar.

Dr. Paul Ettlinger is the founder and owner of Health Chiropractic Physical Therapy This & in Baltimore, MD. As a promoter of getting healthy to lose weight, he advises his patients to follow the guidelines below:

-Drink plenty of water. Drink half your body weight in ounces. Spring or Filtered water is best.

-Combine high quality proteins and carbohydrate sources, such as nuts,seeds, beans, legumes, eggs and low-fat cheeses. Small amounts of protein Generally spread evenly throughout the day keep blood sugar stable.

-Eat lots of cruciferous vegetables. They help prevent cancer, balance hormones and are high in potassium and basics.

-Eliminate grains and starches. Your body will burn those sources of sugar before stored fat.

-Eliminated caffeine and get on a regular sleep schedule. Cutting stimulants out will be hard at first, but will eliminate the roller coaster effect on adrenal hormones and insulin. This results in more energy at the right time.

-See a Functional Medicine practitioner to help you balance hormones and properly suppleMent your nutritional needs.

Weight Loss and Fatigue

Monday, May 21, 2012

Acai Berry Weight Loss-Acai Berries Do Help You Lose Weight?

Acai Berry Weight Loss-Acai Berries Do Help You Lose Weight?

I'm sure you've heard about this amazing fruit called the Acai Berry with "mystical" weight loss qualities that help you lose weight Fast, the natural way. This article will look closely look into it's weight loss qualities.

Acai Berry Weight Loss-Acai Berries Do Help You Lose Weight?

Acai Berry Weight Loss-Acai Berries Do Help You Lose Weight?

Acai Berry Weight Loss-Acai Berries Do Help You Lose Weight?

Acai Berry Weight Loss-Acai Berries Do Help You Lose Weight?

Acai Berry Weight Loss-Acai Berries Do Help You Lose Weight?

The Acai berry is really a small, roundish berry that looks like a grape. The fruit is made up of a pulp like substance with a seed in the middle. It is also said to be one of the healthiest fruits that provide natural energy to the human body.

The main claim made by those who consume these berries is natural weight loss. This is accomplish this feat unlike other products and suppleMents that boast natural appetite suppressant qualities. Instead, the Acai berry boosts yourbodies consumption of calories so that you end up burning more calories during normal physical activities. The end result is natural weight loss. All you have to do is follow a sensible diet and exercise plan and eating this fruit or suppleMents of it will kick in and burn those calories Faster than you would otherwise be able to do.

An added benefit of the berry is the fact that it's effectives does not decrease even when preserved. I know even berry preservatives will continue to be high in antioxidants that give your body a huge boost to lose weight. The antioxidant benefits of the Acai berry rivals another berry that you know well-the blueberry. Acai has all the right vitamin and mineral properties to have a positive effect on your health and overallwell-being in general.

Here's a list of how Acai Berry can help your body.

Lowers blood pressure Lower cholesterol Helps fight off cancer and arthritis Helps you sleep better Boosts energy levels Cleanses and detoxifies the body Improves digestive function Minimizes inflammation Improves blood circulation Has high levels of fiber Strengthens the immune system Promotes healthier and younger-looking skin Enhances visual acuity ... and much much more

Acai Berry Weight Loss-Acai Berries Do Help You Lose Weight?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weight Loss-4 Simple Changes to Help You Lose Weight

Weight Loss-4 Simple Changes to Help You Lose Weight

Are you looking to lose weight? Have you tried a variety of diets in the past, but to no avail? Have you frankly given up on ever being a healthy weight again? If so, help is at hand.

Weight Loss-4 Simple Changes to Help You Lose Weight

Weight Loss-4 Simple Changes to Help You Lose Weight

Weight Loss-4 Simple Changes to Help You Lose Weight

Weight Loss-4 Simple Changes to Help You Lose Weight

Weight Loss-4 Simple Changes to Help You Lose Weight

Now, I'm not going to pretend that losing weight isn't challenging, but it is achievable if you're realistic. First, you'll need a change of mindset: you didn't become overweight overnight, so it is unrealistic to expect to lose the excess baggage quickly. Second, you'll need to approach weight loss as a lifestyle change.

So, what simple changes can you make to help you to lose weight? Read on to find out.

Stop Eating Processed Foods

Of course, you're probably familiar with the high calorie nature of lots ofprocessed Foods, but that's not the only bad thing about them. So, what's exactly wrong with processed Foods? Yes, they're convenient and low-cost, but they're extremely bad for your health. Not that the makers of such foods would admit it, so I'll cheerfully do it for them.

First, there's trans fat. This rarely occurs in nature, and is formed when unsaturated oils are that to make a solid bar such as margarines. Consuming trans fat increases your risk of heart disease, and raises your bad cholesterol and lowers the good. There is a whole range of other health conditions that may be indicated from eating foods containing trans fat: Alzheimer 's, from Cancer to Depression.

Then there's the High Fructose Corn Syrup. It is now widely thought to be a cause of the obesityepidemic, and may be indicated in a range of other conditions associated with obesity: from Metabolic Syndrome, Diabetes and Heart Disease. It's not thought to be worse than other calorific sweeteners such as sugar cane, but that's another part of your diet to be avoided, too.

And, lastly, there are the manufacturers put those chemicals in processed foods. Really, just thinking about them almost gives me a headache. If you saw them written down, you'd think that I was listing the ingredients of a can of bug spray.

Reduce Sugar Intake

Americans consumed around about a whopping 136 pounds of sugar (and other sweeteners) in 2008. And, given that would be mostly white sugar, that's a heap of empty calories being eaten. Sugar is indicated in a range of healthconditions from Diabetes and Obesity, to Heart Disease and Alzheimer 's.

Now, it might be tempting to replace sugar with an alternative, like stopping drinking regular Cola and switching to a diet version, but that's not a great idea too. These lab-created artificial sweeteners are seriously bad for your health: these are the causes or greatly contribute to a range of chronic illnesses and neuropsychiatric disorders-anxiety, depression, mood changes, migraines, vertigo, panic attacks, Alzheimer 's, memory loss, brain tumors. And, if you thought they'd help you lose weight, you'd be wrong: they actually stimulate your appetite.

Increase Exercise

You'll already know the importance of exercising when you are trying to lose weight, ashey, it's been 30 years since the aerobics craze swept the west. But, that's a formidable task when you are overweight. So, aim to start small, maybe a 15 to 20 minute walk every 2nd day. This is, of course, way below what's recomMended, but most overweight people are very unfit. Then try building up to 30 or 40 minutes over a month or so. And, before you start consult your Doctor, as you might have an undiagnosed health condition.

Try to increase your activity with a range of physical activities: if walking is not your thing, try swimming, or dancing, or any form of aerobic activity. Try to do something you enjoy, for if you're having fun, you're more likely to stick with it.

Drink More Water

Increase the amount of water you drink. It will help you stayhydrated, but it also has other benefits. It can help you to metabolize fats, flush toxins and stored body fat from your body. It also helps to prevent constipation and bloating, and helps you to keep your appetite under control.

So, with these simple changes you should start to see yourself lose obesity. But, this is only the beginning. Losing weight takes time and a commitMent to a lifestyle change.

Weight Loss-4 Simple Changes to Help You Lose Weight

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bee Pollen For Weight Loss-Do You Need Zi Xiu Tang Weight Loss Pills?

Bee Pollen For Weight Loss-Do You Need Zi Xiu Tang Weight Loss Pills?

One of the latest revolutions to hit the weight loss industry goes by the name of Zi Xiu Tang and perhaps you have heard of it. If not, then get ready for an introduction. Zi Xiu Tang is a Chinese weight loss pill that uses a combination of all natural herbs based on ancient Eastern medicine to stimulate weight loss. You may have heard of some of these ingredients before-bee pollen, Chinese yam, wolfberry, barberry, lotus seed, and fiber-or you may have even taken some of these suppleMents in isolation of each other, but Zi Xiu Tang purports to accelerate your weight loss through its combination of ingredients. One of the main active ingredients is bee pollen. Can you get the benefits of bee pollen forweight loss > without Zi Xiu Tang?

Zi Xiu Tang is often shortened as ZXTBP-Zi Xiu Tang Bee or Pollen-so can you skip the pills and head straight to your local health Food store to get your hands on its active ingredient, and more importantly, will it work alone to help you lose weight? Bee pollen itself is full of high concentrations of vitamin B complex, Vitamins A, C, D, and e. You can find these vitamins in a good multivitamin without the additional protein found in bee pollen. And if you're allergic to bee pollen, of course it is not a good idea to ingest it.

Bee Pollen For Weight Loss-Do You Need Zi Xiu Tang Weight Loss Pills?

Bee Pollen For Weight Loss-Do You Need Zi Xiu Tang Weight Loss Pills?

Bee Pollen For Weight Loss-Do You Need Zi Xiu Tang Weight Loss Pills?

Bee Pollen For Weight Loss-Do You Need Zi Xiu Tang Weight Loss Pills?

Bee Pollen For Weight Loss-Do You Need Zi Xiu Tang Weight Loss Pills?

As far As weight loss goes, bee pollen is said to help correct an internal chemical imbalance that many overweight people tend to have. Bee pollen is also a natural source oflechitin, which helps the body stored fat removed and speed up the metabolism. Not only that, but some other well-known benefits of bee pollen are a natural surge of energy and reduced Food cravings. If you have high cholesterol, bee pollen may help lower your levels and finally get you off of your doctor prescribed medication. And its detoxifying properties gives your body an internal cleanse.

These benefits may sound like something of a dream come true to you if you're looking to drop excess pounds. And you may be tempted to cut out the middle man by heading straight to the source, directly using bee pollen for weight loss. While you can go this route, taking an all-natural herbal suppleMent like Zi Xiu Tang means that you get the synergistic effect of a variety of anatural herbs used in Eastern medicine.

Zi Xiu Tang Benefits
Zi Xiu Tang not only has weight loss benefits, but they don't call them the "Beauty Face and Figure Capsules" for nothing. Many users experience a variety of side benefits including clearer and more even skin complexion. Some have even experienced relief from chronic dry scalp and hAir and increased hAir growth! The reason why this is experienced has everything to do with increased intake of proper vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. So not only can you expect to drop pounds quickly, but expect an overall improveMent in physical appearance due to the effects of detoxing this weight loss supplement.

Bee Pollen For Weight Loss-Do You Need Zi Xiu Tang Weight Loss Pills?

Friday, March 16, 2012

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

Losing weight can sometimes be a very difficult task, requiring a large amount of energy and a lot of motivation. Knowing how to calculate weight loss percenTAGe can really be a morale booster for your rough times because your actual results can only encourage you to perform more of the taken actions-like jogging, dieting or others.

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

It can also help you stay on track and not exaggerate with anything, as we do know that anything done in excess can harm your body. It can help you set goals and achieve them step by step.

But how do we calculate weight loss percenTAGe? Is it a difficult math tasks? No way! It's a pretty basic formula. First of all you'll need to remember your initial weight.
Secondly, you'll need youractual weight at this point.
Now, the formula goes like this:

((IW-AW)/IW) * 100 = weight loss percentage

In this formula IW is your initial weight and AW is your actual weight at this point.
It's not as complicated as it initially seems: practically all you do is subtract the actual weight from the initial weight and divide the number obtained by your initial weight. Multiply the result with 100 and you'll get the exact percent.

Now you can see that it's pretty basic-but opening a lot of possibilities. For example, you can measure your weight once a week and create an Excel table which instantly calculates the weight loss percentage for you. This can really help you keeptrack of your progress and can be a real motivation booster as I previously Mentioned.

With this you can also create a weight loss percentage graphic-actually drawing your progress at certain points.

Well, if you fully understood how this works, you can conclude that now you know how to calculate weight loss percentage. If not, try to read the article more carefully.

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Weight Loss Benefits Of Jogging: How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Weight Loss Benefits Of Jogging: How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Use the benefit of jogging exercise to lose love handles

Weight Loss Benefits Of Jogging: How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Weight Loss Benefits Of Jogging: How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Weight Loss Benefits Of Jogging: How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Weight Loss Benefits Of Jogging: How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Weight Loss Benefits Of Jogging: How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

If you are anything like I was many years ago you might describe yourself as ' cuddly ' or ' huggable. Anything to disguise the fact that you're a little overweight and have a few rolls of unsightly fat around your middle. If this is you then you might want to learn the secret of how to get rid of love handles.

Sorry, there's no secret way to eliminate love handles but I can tell you about how I managed to lose my love handles fat. It didn't happen overnight and I did have to work at it but slowly the fat around my middle and other parts of my body started to melt away and I've managed to stay reasonably lean for many years now.

Nutrition and exercise is the key to losing love handles

THEdidn't know much about nutrition and exercise at the time and I still don't know that much but I did know that you need to do some exercise. Any exercise is better than none, right? I also knew that the more calories you eat the more fat accumulates on your body. I've no idea why it all seems to go on around your middle first but it seems to be very common.

The first thing I did was cut down the size of my meals to reduce my calorie intake. This is very difficult to do if you have a low metabolism like I do because you don't have to eat much before you start putting on weight. This means that you probably don't eat much to start with. You can also make adjustMents to the things you eat to help you lose fat. For more about nutrition, see this article: Foods To Help You Lose> Weight.

The next step is to introduce some regular exercise. This will burn off some of the calories that you consume allowing you to at least eat something. When you decide what type of exercise you are going to do you should pick something that you'll enjoy doing and can see yourself doing regularly and consistently. That way you'll be able to keep it up for a long time to come.

Jogging to lose weight

I chose to start jogging. I wanted to lose body fat all over but I was most concerned about my love handles. I also knew that I would enjoy jogging in the park along the riverbank. Pleasant surroundings is a definite bonus and incentive to keep going as are the occasions when I happen to meet a girl jogging and swap weight loss notes.

Your weight loss from jogging

Exactly how many calories you'll burn by jogging depends on a number of factors. The heavier you are and the Faster you run, the more calories you'll burn. A rule of thumb estimate suggests that jogging for weight loss will burn off roughly 10 calories per minute. You can use this estimate to work out how much jogging you are going to need to do.

The calories burned jogging 30-minutes 6 times a week will be roughly 1800 calories a week. Another rough rule of thumb suggests that 1 pound of body fat is equal to 3500 calories. At this rate you should lose about 1 pound of weight every 2 weeks, which is a very slow but healthy way to lose weight. This assumes of course that your> weight was stable before you took up the exercise and that you don't eat more than you did before.

It was a slow process but over time it did show me how to get rid of love handles because they eventually disappeared. I still enjoy the jogging to this day and my love handles have never returned.

Weight Loss Benefits Of Jogging: How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

HCG Weight Loss Diet Meal Plan

HCG Weight Loss Diet Meal Plan

HCG Diet Overview

HCG Weight Loss Diet Meal Plan

HCG Weight Loss Diet Meal Plan

HCG Weight Loss Diet Meal Plan

HCG Weight Loss Diet Meal Plan

HCG Weight Loss Diet Meal Plan

During the first two days of taking HCG drops, you should be eating very high calorie Foods that contain high fat and sugar contents. There is no limit to the number of calories or the types of Foods that are eaten. Sweets, cookies, ice cream, deep fried Foods, etc are all acceptable Foods. It is important that you "load" properly, this is a very critical part of the diet. Do not begin loading if you have not started taking the HCG Drops. It is common for people to gain 3-5 pounds in the first two days. Don't worry, you will lose it all in the follow 48 hours. People that chose not to "load" properly have found that the rest of the unwanted weight does not drop as easily as those people who took the time to "load".

So, start your diet with aParty and eat as much as you can!

Sample Diet(after loading) Drink lots of water each day (at least 2 litres)

BreakFast: Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar. Only one generous tablespoonful of milk allowed in 24 hours. Saccharin or Stevia may be used. Stevia is a much healthier choice.


100 grams of veal, beef, chicken breast, fresh white Fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp. All visible fat must be carefully removed before Cooking, and the meat must be weighed raw. It must be boiled or grilled without additional fat. Salmon, eel, tuna, herring, dried or pickled Fish are not allowed. The chicken breast must be removed from the bird. Boneless and skinless. One type of vegetable only to be chosen from thefollowing: spinach, chard, chicory, beetgreens, green salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage. One breadstick (grissino) or one Melba toast (Wasa Bread is also acceptable). An apple, orange or a handful of strawberries (6-9 depending on their size) or one half grapefruit.


The same four choices as lunch (above.)No oil, butter or Dressing.

Hint: Our clients have found that saving your fruit and/or melba toast for a snack between lunch and dinner has helped them to not feel as hungry as well as keep their metabolism burning more steadily throughout the day.

5 Sample Recipes

When you order a 21 or 40 day kit, the Diet Manual contains another 17 hCG DietRecipes for main dishes, marinades, desserts and drinks in the manual when you order the 40 day 21 or kits.

Green Onion Soup

Green onions (allowed amount) 2 c vegetable broth 1-2 t liquid aminos 1 t parsley 1 t zsweet 1/2 t paprika 1/2 t salt 1/2 t dill 1/2 t thyme 1/8 t cayenne or red pepper flakes 1/8 t celery seed

Steam the green onions Briefly until tender. Preheat Saute pan over MED heat. Steamed Chop green onions. In a Saute pan, saute the green onions in a bit of vegetable broth for a couple of minutes, then add the parsley, salt, paprika, zsweet, dill, thyme, celery seed, and cayenne. Saute 1-2 mins more. Add remaining vegetable broth, reduce heat, cover and simmer 20-30 mins.

Lemon PepperFish

100 g dupuyer juice of half lemon 1-3 cloves minced garlic 1/2 t black pepper 1/4 t salt 1/4 t cumin powder 1/8 t turmeric

Place Fish in small bowl. Add garlic, black pepper, salt, cumin, and turmeric. Ensure to coat both sides. Cover & marinated at least 1 hour in refrigerator. Preheat oven to 400. Place the fish in a non-stick baking dish, & cover with the marinade. Bake 10-20 minutes depending on thickness, until fish flakes easily. Squeeze with lemon juice. It Serves.

Crockpot Swiss Steak

100 g steak 1 T shake 'n bake 1 T liquid aminos 3-4 cloves minced garlic 1 stalk celery-sliced 1 onion-sliced 1 tomato-diced 1/2-1 c beef broth

Preheat pan over MED-HIGH heat. Sprinkle steak withliquid aminos. Dip steak in shake 'n bake, coating both sides. Add steak to pan and brown on both sides. Transfer steak to crockpot. Cover with garlic, celery, onions, and diced tomato. Top with beef broth. Don't stir! Cover and cook on low until reaches desired doneness. When done, serve immediately, and cover with juices from crockpot.

NOTE: This dish includes 3 vegetables which are meant only for flavor. When finished, you can discard Cooking veggies, or choose to eat just one of them (as we aren't allowed to mix veggies on phase 2 for Dr S).

Asparagus Frittata

3 egg whites 1 whole egg Asparagus (allowed amount) 1-2 cloves minced garlic 1 T minced onion dehydrated 1 T water 1 t. parsley Salt/pepper (to taste) Tabasco(optional)

Preheat pan over MED heat. Snap woody ends off asparagus and discard. Snap each asparagus spear into 2-3 pieces. Add to pan with garlic & heat through until tender. Preheat oven to 400. In bowl, mix eggs & water. Add asparagus, minced onion, parsley, salt & pepper. Pour egg mixture into non-stick baking dish (or dish lined with parchMent paper). Place in oven and cook 10-15 mins until done. Top with tabasco (optional) and serve immediately.

Orange Ginger Chicken

100 g chicken-cut into chunks Black pepper orange-cut in 1/4s 2-3 cloves minced garlic 1 T fresh ginger root (about 1/2 " -1" long piece, peeled minced &) 1/2 t. basil Juice of half lemon

Preheat pan over MED heat. Sprinkle chicken with pepper. Addchicken to pan and stir fry until brown on all sides, about 5-10 mins. Add garlic and cook for 1 min. Squeeze juice of orange quarters over chicken. & Orange Peel into separate sections. Add orange sections, ginger, lemon juice and basil. Stir well. Cover and simmer for about 20-30 mins.

NOTE: This includes your meat and fruit portion for this meal.

RecomMended Shopping List for Grocery Store


Shrimp, White Fish (Talapia, Halibut, Orange Ruffy, etc). Turkey, chicken breast. Lean Ground Beef, Steak or Roast


Asparagus Cucumbers Onions Celery Beet Greens Lettuce Green Onions Spinach or Swiss Chard Tomatoes Radishes


LemonsStrawberries Apples Oranges Grapefruits


Mrs. Dash Bragg Liquid Amino (Like Soy Sauce) Garlic Cloves Stevia-powder as well as Both liquid and flavors Kosher Salt or Sea Salt Other spices (be careful of ingredients, no sugars)

Other Items

Herbal Tea Green Tea Coffee Water container with ounces for tracking Apple Cider Vinegar No Fat CotTAGe Cheese Eggs Fresh Salsa (no sugars or preservatives) Melba Toast, Grissini Bread or Wasa Bread Multi-Vitamin (make sure that there are no oils). Miracle Noodles can be found online.

HCG Weight Loss Diet Meal Plan

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Healthy Eating For Weight Loss - Options For Weight Loss

Healthy Eating For Weight Loss - Options For Weight Loss

This article explores the options for weight loss that are currently available. And why healthy eating for weight loss comes up as the number one leader.

Healthy Eating For Weight Loss - Options For Weight Loss

Healthy Eating For Weight Loss - Options For Weight Loss

Healthy Eating For Weight Loss - Options For Weight Loss

Healthy Eating For Weight Loss - Options For Weight Loss

Healthy Eating For Weight Loss - Options For Weight Loss

Diet is probably the first favourite way to lose weight. However, this is one of the worst ways to lose weight as well as THE best way. Some of the worst ones leave you permanently hungry, make you lose water not fat, make you lose muscle mass rather than fat, even advocate unhealthy Foods.

A lack of exercise is often blamed for weight gain. Granted, exercise makes you fitter and stronger and helps to make you more energetic and productive. But if you are still eating badly, then you will never reach your coveted target weight.

Diet pills are popular because people think they can get what they want without any effort. And the manufacturers of these pills are very happy to comply with your wishes and produce the goods. However, they are a waste of money. They don't adDress the problem. Pill-popping will do nothing for your health or your weight.

You could join a weight loss programme or hire a dietician. These measures can be helpful as long as they adDress your personal reason for excess weight. They make you accountable, which can be a great help. The down side is that they can be expensive.

You could have a stomach lap band fitted surgically. Apart from the cost being outside the scope of most people, are the effects worth it? There is no doubt that they reduce your intake of Food, as they physically restrict the amount of Food you can eat.

However, they don't do anything at all for your health. In fact they worsen it considerably. It is estimated that at least 26% of people suffer complications. They include problems with the band itself (discomfort, moveMent, leakage, infection, etc), the production of gallstones, reflux and hiatia hernias. Other complications include digestive problems such as bowel dysfunction, food getting trapped (which can be very painful), indigestion, intolerance to certain foods, nausea, vomiting (affects up to 70%) and distention. And these are just the problems you are likely to face in the short term.

Add to that, all surgery increases the risk of blood clots, bowel perforation, even pneumonia.

There is a saying that your consciousness (the way you think or your mind set) that created the problem cannot cure it. So to cure a problem long term, you need to change the way you think.

By educating yourself about what the unhealthy foods are and what the healthy foods are, you can achieve you weight goal and INCREASE your health. And all this inside everyone's budget.

Healthy Eating For Weight Loss - Options For Weight Loss