Weight Loss-Why Do I Like the Junk?
We assume that every thought of Food means we are hungry in our efforts to lose weight and keep it off. In actual fact dehydration and lack of sleep has the same effect on the mind and body. It can be our system trying to tell us we need a drink of water. Next time you feel hungry, take a glass of water then wait ten minutes and see what happens, 9 times out of 10 the sensation of hunger will pass, as you were merely thirsty not hungry or you were just feeling Tired.
Weight Loss-Why Do I Like the Junk?
Weight Loss-Why Do I Like the Junk?
Weight Loss-Why Do I Like the Junk?
Weight Loss-Why Do I Like the Junk?
Another trick the mind has up its sleeve is the unconscious mind can't tell the difference between a hunger need and an emotional need.
That emotional need can range anywhere between feeling bored or feeling anxious, the unconscious just registers that you have a NEED and what is your most basicneed ... Food.
Think about it how many times have you ate because you felt bored or annoyed or angry and then wondered ... why the hell did I do that ... well now you know.
Awareness is everything in your weight loss efforts, once you become aware of what is driving you to overeat then you can do something about it, when you are not aware then you're eating becomes automatic and mindless, and you are smothering emotion by using food.
The bad news is no amount of food will ever smother emotion, it's just not possible.
Worse still the more you do it the more the unconscious mind will compel you to do it. .. until you break the cycle.
I know a little exercise for today could be ... ask yourself the question "what is driving you to overeat, I can absolutelyguarantee you two things ... it's not greed and it's not need.
One more little snippet, "have you ever wondered why you reach for the junk food instead of a celery stick when you overeat.
The reason is really quite simple ... you are hardwired by evolution to seek out salt, sugar and fat in times of stress, as it Supplies a quick energy boost to the body.
Unfortunately today we are not living in caves and we have not evolved far enough to a point where that response is no longer an issue, the good news is that response can be modified to meet modern-day existence.
I have found the following to be very effective in helping to cut out the junk and change that response, but first you need a little bit of information.
When the unconscious registers to NEED itdoesn't actually care what you eat. You only eat junk food because you have conditioned yourself into that way of reacting to that particular trigger.
The unconscious only needs two things to happen to satisfy that NEED. First ... It wants you to actually eat something and second, that something must contain energy that's why a celery stick won't cut it.
I used to have a ready Supply of fresh pineapple on standby because it satisfied the two criteria, I was going to eat something and it contained energy. Of course the pineapple had only a fraction of the calories that junk food would have had.
This one idea alone will help you lose weight as you're eating is no longer automatic and you can see how much control you actually have ...
So the question is, how willyou adapt my idea to suit your lifestyle and start you on the road to realising your goals?
Change the habits of a lifetime ' start the process today, not next week, not when the time feels right or your head is in the right place but today and every day until you reach your desired weight.
Weight Loss-Why Do I Like the Junk?